First Graders Love Literacy Month

Submitted by kalani.reed on

First-graders finish out the week with a good book and some singing! Literacy month gave students time to snuggle up with a good book at our readathon. We listened to poetry and we wrote poetry. Thanks, PTA for letting us have so much fun! We love books!

Sandy Nilson

Poetry Slam

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Canyon's PTA sponsored our Literacy Month with reading contests, a book swap, and a poetry slam. Students in fourth through sixth grade wrote poems and entered them into a contest. The winners were able to read their poems during an assembly. Three BYU students came and shared their poetry with the students. Congratulations to all the winners and those that participated. Keep writing and being creative!

Angelyn Perkins

BYU Visits Canyon

Submitted by kalani.reed on

BYU's Dunk Team and volunteer student athletes came to Canyon for an assembly. They talked to the students and faculty about being strong mentally, socially, and physically. They emphasized that it's okay to make a mistake. The key is to keep on trying and not to give up. They also emphasized the importance of teamwork. The students loved the assembly, especially watching Cosmo and our own Mr. Evans slam dunk the ball!