Message from Mrs. Perschon

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Hello Canyon Cubs! I hope you are all doing well and working hard at home. We think of you all the time and miss you so much! I miss the laughter and smiles from all the kids and the faculty. Keep working hard and hang in there. This will not last forever. Remember that you can do it and that we never give up! Love Mrs. Perschon



Mrs. Perschon

Message from Miss Nuttall

Submitted by kalani.reed on

I am so PROUD of all the hard work each of you has completed and I LOVE watching your smiling faces on your Friday Flipgrids. Keep up the great work. Have COURAGE and Be KIND!!! We can do hard things.

I miss singing daily as you enter the classroom. I miss your morning hugs, smiles, stories, and excitement of getting our day started. I miss teaching, I miss reading aloud, I miss watching you play at recess, I miss everything about being your teacher. I simply miss YOU!!!

Danika Nuttall

Message from Mr. Sargeant

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Keeping it Right!

Attitude! Attitude! It makes you do the things you do!
Attitude! Attitude! It makes you what you are...
You've got to be Kind! You've got to want to Share!
You've got to be a Friend! You've got to want to Care...
Oh, it's your... Attitude that makes... You!!!

With all that is going on in the world right now....
Keep a HAPPY routine going for yourself.
Obey your Parents! This is a transition for them, too!
Take big breaths and exhale...
Keep Living, Loving, Laughing, and Smiling!!!

Mr. Sargeant