Halloween at Canyon

Submitted by calleen.argyle on
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2012 Halloween 003.JPG 317.93 KB
2012 Halloween 001.JPG 256.8 KB
2012 Halloween 004.JPG 286.39 KB

The students, faculty and staff at Canyon Elementary had fun dressing up for Halloween.  Students got to parade through the halls in their costumes while parents took pictures.

Picture 1, Students:  Top L-R:  Ian Abpllanalp, Ty Andersen and Kate Darrington

Bottom L-r:  Saylor Giles and Eliza Pope

Picture 2, 4th Grade Teachers L-R:  Miss Jamie Hamblin, Miss Nicole Fellows and Miss Bonnie Wickes

Picture 3, Faculty and Staff:  Top L-R:  Mrs. Liz Nielsen, Mrs. Debbie Oldham, Mrs. Suzette Harreld, Mrs. Julie Higginson, Mrs. Calleen Argyle, Mrs. Kelli Swenson and Mrs. Dawn Snell

Bottom L-R:  Mrs. Elisa Johnson and Principal, Mr. Dave Harlan

Calleen Argyle