Link to Pledge Form

Submitted by kalani.reed on

We are excited to streamline our fundraiser by going online. You will now be able to reach out to friends and family by email, Facebook, and Twitter. This means your child will receive a link to their own donation page and you can send it to family and friends who would like to donate but live far away. Please use the link below to fill out the form to use this option. (Due by Sept. 9)


Mandi Bristow

School Spirit Friday

Submitted by brittany.neilson on

Let’s Grow Together! 

This year we would like to celebrate Spirit Friday in order to encourage more unity & school spirit.
Each Friday please have your child wear a Canyon shirt or the school colors. (Gold/yellow, maroon/red, navy blue).  One Friday each month we will deliver a prize to each class room. Let’s have a great year and remember to wear our shirts every Friday!

Canyon shirts can be found at
