Food Drive

Submitted by brittany.neilson on

November 15-19 the student council will be hosting a food drive. Students may bring in any can or non-perishable food item to the bins by the front office. All items will be donated to Tabitha's Way.

Most needed items are: shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste/toothbrush, baby wipes/ diapers size 4, 5, and 6, toilet paper, dry rice, dry beans, canned meats, tomato sauce, dry cereal, noodles, sugar and flour (no larger than 5 lbs), and cooking oil. 

Canyon Student Council

Veteran's Day

Submitted by amber.thomas on

4th graders had a wonderful day celebrating Veterans.  We shared stories of family members and friends who have served our country, and wrote thank you cards to give to them.  Happy Veteran's Day!  Thank you for all of your service to our country.  

End of term Pizza Party!

Submitted by brittany.neilson on

Mrs. Bennion's class won the end of term 1 pizza party with Mrs. Peery! Each class can earn points during their specialties classes and be put in a weekly drawing. Those classes that have won each week are then added to a drawing for an end of term pizza party with Mrs. Peery.