5th Grade Day of Caring

Submitted by brittany.neilson on

Employee’s of US Synthetic visited a few weeks ago to share their PDCA (plan, do, check, act) problem solving activity with our 5th grade classes. Students worked in groups to create the tallest tower possible with index cards. The towers also had to hold the weight of a pack of index cards.

Mrs. Washburn/ Landen Garner

3rd Grade Tulip Planting

Submitted by brittany.neilson on

Third grade enjoyed a fun presentation from Thanksgiving Point about the lift cycle of a tulip and got a closer look at the inside of a tulip bulb. After, the students planted tulips out front of the school and are waiting in anticipation to see what color their tulip will be. What color do you think they will be? Click on the picture to see more. 

Miss Nuttall