National PTA Reflections Award

Submitted by brittany.neilson on

Ashanti Sandoval, a fifth-grader from Canyon Elementary, was awarded the National PTA Reflections Award of Excellence for her film production entry. This is the highest award given in the nation for the Reflections contest. Her stop motion video included over 4,000 pictures to create "Kevin - a Kiwi Story." It is about accepting differences and being kind. Video in the link.

Congratulations Ashanti for being a Nebo Hero. What an incredible honor! We are so proud of you!!!

Lana Hiskey

School Lunch Hero's

Submitted by brittany.neilson on

Thank you to our wonderful lunch staff for serving our kids and staff. We appreciate all that they do! #togetherwerise #studentsuccess #neboschooldistrict #canyonelementary