Leadership Conference

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Our student council got the opportunity to attend an all day leadership conference at BYU. They learned how to be a leader, how to help kids who are getting bullied, and they also did some fun team building activities. They had a lot of fun and are ready to serve Canyon Elementary!

Student Council 2013-2014

Submitted by andria.lewis on

After surviving an election campaign of writing an essay, making a poster, and delivering a speech to the student body, these 10 students got the most votes, and get the title of student council representative!    Front Row: Sami Branch, Irelynn Reid, Shaylee Taylor, Journey Palfreyman, Rachel Meservey, Axuray Talbot. Back Row:  Carter Flory, Joey Hill, Topher Riding, Brad Dixon.  Congratulations students!

Student Council Election

Submitted by andria.lewis on

On Friday, after a week of campaigning with posters, 20 of our sixth graders got the opportunity to give speeches to the upperclassmen at Canyon (4th, 5th and 6th graders).

They all did such a great job, and displayed impressive public speaking skills and creativity!

The upperclassmen then went to their classrooms and voted for their top 3 candidates.

Good job to all who ran for student council. Results to come!