Miss Nuttall wins Crystal Apple

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Danika Nuttall teaches third grade. When you ask her students to talk about what they like about their teacher, their eyes light up. They say things like, "she really cares about us," "she is kind and sweet," "she is the best math teacher ever." She takes the time to care for and help each individual student. When they are struggling, she works with them until the problem is solved. She is an amazing and generous teacher. She is very dedicated.

Candice Brindley

Gingerbread house contest!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Each team of teachers built a gingerbread house and the judging was completely up to the students.

The winning team was......the 4th grade/Counseling team with the Aloha beach house!

It was so fun to see the creativity from the teachers, and the students loved being able to judge!



Reflections winner!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Our very own Nicole Clayson won with her dance routine at the District level, and her dance entry will be going on to regions! Way to go Nicole!

Dave Harlan