Fourth Grade Program

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Fourth Grade did an awesome job on their Utah State Program. There was fun facts, history and great songs!

Great job fourth grade! Thanks for teaching us more about this beautiful state!

Dave Harlan

Annual Egg Drop

Submitted by andria.lewis on

To celebrate Easter, Kindergarten participated in their Annual Egg Drop! Students put a raw egg in various containers, using any matierals they could hoping that their egg won't break! Then our brave principal, Mr. Harlan stood on the roof of the school and threw the eggs off one by one!

The kids (and parents) had so much fun and loved seeing if their egg stayed in tact or broke!

Kindergarten's Zoo Program

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Lions, tigers and bears, oh my! Also zebras, elephants, crocodiles and countless other animals performed in Kindergarten's zoo program here at Canyon. They all did such a good job performing for their parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and everyone else that came to support them. Some of the parents also joined in, and made some great monkeys!

The students learned a ton of songs, with dance moves to go along with them. They also each had their own animal with speaking parts to go along with them!

Great job Kindergarten!


Submitted by andria.lewis on

This month our spotlight is on our facilitator: Sarah Blackhurst!

Here's a little bit about her:

Where you grew up: In Payson, UT on an orchard. We grow peaches, apples and cherries. I absolutely loved growing up on a farm.

Family: I grew up with 5 brothers and 0 sisters. I am a lucky mama of 2 boys: Will, 8 and Owen, 5

Education: Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Ed from Utah State University, Master's Degree in Education from Southern Utah University, Administrative License from Southern Utah University.

Sarah Blackhurst