3rd grade Christmas Program

Submitted by andria.lewis on

The 3rd graders did a great job on their Christmas program! They sang fun songs, recicted jokes and poems, and did some reader's theatre. It was very apparent that a lot of practice went into their performance.

Great job students!

4th grade Kids' Day at BYU

Submitted by andria.lewis on

A few weeks ago, 4th grade got the opportunity to go to a Women's basketball game at BYU and cheer on the Cougars for Kids' Day.

They got to meet Cosmo and the team, made it onto the Jumbo Tron (the highlight of the game for many) and had a great time!

Jamie Hamblin

Author Visit-Peggy Eddleman

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Random House Childen's Book author Peggy Eddleman came to our school today for a special presentation about writing and finding your strengths and using them to better the world. She is the author of several book, her most popular being Sky Jumpers, and Sky Jumpers, The Forbidden Flats.

She even had an invention contest earlier this week, where students drew a picture of an invention they thought of. Peggy chose six winners from our 4th, 5th and 6th grades!

Reflections Finalists

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Annually, thousands of students will reflect on a common theme and create original works of art in the categories of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts.

Many Canyon students chose to participate in our Reflections program this year, where the theme was "The World Would Be a Better Place If..."

Pictured are our very own Reflections finalists holding their certificates. Congratulations students!

Jill Clayson