Canyon's College Week!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

This month, students in grades 1-6 have been learning about college and careers from Mrs. Lewis, the School Counselor. They learned about how important college is, and that it's never too early to start planning for college!

3rd graders are radKIDS!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

radKIDS is an awesome program that teaches kids safety and personal empowerment. RadKIDS know that NO ONE has the right to hurt them. They also know that they don't have the right to hurt anyone else, unless someone is hurting them, and then they can STOP them! They also know that if someone does hurt them, it's not their fault, and they can tell someone.

Repertory Dance Theatre

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Repertory Dance Theatre came and performed for our students here at Canyon Elementary. Repertory Dance Theatre is a modern dance company in Salt Lake City. They were amazing and the students loved watching what they could do with their bodies! Many students even got to go up on stage with them and dance! We love opportunites to have the arts here at our own school! Thanks RDT!

Shauna Patrick

Spotlight! Mrs. Sommerfeldt

Submitted by andria.lewis on

If your student is in 6th grade, then they get the opportunity to learn from our awesome teacher, Mrs. Sommerfeldt! Mrs. Sommerfeldt is kind, understanding, thorough, and very in tune with our students' needs!

Here are some questions Mrs. Sommerfeldt answered about herself:

1. Where are you from? I am from Mapleton, a graduate from MMHS!

2. What do you like to do for fun? I like to play the piano, read, do embroidery, and spend time with my family.

McKenzi Sommerfeldt