5th Grade does Camp Floyd

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Mr. Bates' class enjoyed a day at Camp Floyd making candles, adobe bricks, performing military drills, walking through the Sage Coach Inn, looking through the museum, spending time in a one room school house that was built in 1898, and learning what it was like to live during the Civil War.

Also pictured are some students in traditional clothing that was worn during the Civil War.

Scott Bates (story and pictures)

Westward Movement!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

After practicing for weeks and weeks, the 4th graders did an amazing job with their program about explorers coming west and the history of Utah. They taught the audience the history through song, lively dance and spoken word.  Anyone watching could tell they had a lot of fun doing it! Our own Cougar Cub even made an appearance!

Great job 4th graders!

Rodeo Winners!!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Spanish Fork City challenged students at all the elementary schools in Spanish Fork to meet their reading goal this month for a chance to win brand new cowboy boots and tickets to the Rodeo in May!

The winners of Justin Cowboy Boots and Rodeo tickets for May 30th are:

Landon Nielsen (6th, Mrs. Maughan's class) and Alliana Walters (1st, Mrs. Harreld's class)

Five other winners received Rodeo tickets also:

Karlie Harris (2nd, Young), Isableele MacArthur (3rd, Sharp), Jackson Rhees (4th Cook), Tade Gappmayer (5th, Bates), and Tanner Koyle (6th, Nuzman).