A Clown at School?

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

Canyon Elementary had a special visitor on Dec. 1.  It was a clown.  We didn't know April was a clown until the middle of the assembly that the PTA sponsored.  She taught us about the importance of good nutrition, hydration and plenty of sleep.  Several students were chosen to help with demonstrations on stage.  Rowen wrote, "I, Rowen, loved the experience to go on stage and meet Mrs. April.  I loved to learn how to juggle."


BYU Game

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

On November 24th, Canyon Elementary 4th graders were invited to go to the BYU vs USU Women's Basketball Game in Provo.  Here's a report from some of the kids who were there:  "The concessions stand was SUPER busy, like a beehive.  Well, the first period it was like a beehive, but the third period was like an abandoned wasteland. There were two injured people. One got a concussion and the other one cut her neck.  The jumbo screen was awesome!  Some people won a dancing contest there.  It was fun. The final score was BYU 81- Utah State 69.

Lewis, Landon, Katelin and Jaxsyn

McKenzie Wagner Visits Canyon Elementary

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

McKenzie Wagner, author of the Benotripia books, visited Canyon Elementary on November 19.  In conjunction with this visit, several students wrote books in the hopes of having lunch with McKenzie before the assembly. Determining winners was a difficult task, but 25 lucky students were finally selected.  During the assembly McKenzie advised the students at Canyon Elementary to follow their dreams.  At the close of the assembly we sang "Happy Birthday" to McKenzie.  She is turning 15 on Saturday.  What a great example she is to us.