"Eat School Lunch with your Student" Week

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

School lunch week is when the students parents come to eat lunch in the cafeteria. When the parent comes he/she has to pay for their lunch. School lunch week is good for the kids because they get to have the experience to go to the school and eat with their  kids. School lunch also allows the parents to not make their kids lunch. School lunch week always has a good amount of parents to come and eat with their child. School lunch week is also donating money for the school. So next time you see the lunch ladies tell them thank you for serving us food.


Science Fair Winners

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

January 21st was the date of the Annual Science Fair held at Canyon Elementary School.  There were many interesting Scientific Questions asked and then answered after experimentation and study. The winners will now be presenting their displays to the District.  The students representing Canyon in the individual category are; Kolten, Nick, Taeber and Erik.  A group of three boys will also be representing Canyon.  They are; Adam, Kimball and Stuart.  Good luck to each of these scientists.

"Make Your Mark" Bookmark Contest

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

Congratulations to Emily!  She is the winner of Director's Choice Award in the "Make Your Mark" Bookmark Contest sponsored by the Utah Educational Savings Plan (UESP) and Step Up Utah. The judges were impressed with her artwork and creativity.  We are all proud of Emily.  Thanks to Mrs. Humphrey's for managing this contest at Canyon Elementary.

Elks Shoot Off Winners

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

The Annual Elks Shoot Off was held recently at Canyon Elementary.  The winners were; Meline, Allie, Payton and Ethan.  These four advanced to the next level held in Provo.  Allie won the competition at that level!  She now moves up to the next round.  Way to go Allie!