They Did It!! Again!!!

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

Congratulations to some extra special 5th grade Scientists!  Adam, Kimball and Stewart competed in and WON the Nebo School District wide Science Fair.  We are so proud of them and wish them well as they prepare to go on to the BYU Science Fair.

Valentine Boxes

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

If you ever need an idea for a great Valentine Box, visit Canyon Elementary.  Here is a sample of the amazing boxes that could be seen in every room on the day of our Valentine Celebration.

Fourth Grade Rendezvous and Bartering Bash

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

The rendezvous was a great. In Miss Hamblin’s class we did a long jump, a hunting game, and a strength pulling game. In Mrs. Perkins’ class we had fry bread with honey and homemade root beer that was clear. We also did a ring toss it was really hard. In Mrs. Cook’s class we played a stick game that was fun. We also panned for gold. Before the Bartering Bash we collected beaver pelts.

Paige, Rachel, and Cora

Box Top Competition

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

For the box top competition each class brought in box tops for two weeks.  We would count them and cut them right along the line. The box tops give us money for our school.  We won with over 773 box tops. They gave us cookies and slap bracelets.  We were excited to win!

Cayli, Lewis, and Olivia