Spring Orchestra

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

It's hard to believe that most of these 6th grade students have been playing a string instrument less than a year.  The Orchestra Concert held at Canyon Elementary was truly inspiring.  For the past year these students have been coming early to school every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to learn from Mrs. Wangsgard.  It has paid off.  They sound amazing! 

New Custodian at Canyon

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

Today we had to say good bye to Mr. Ross, the world's greatest custodian!  He will be taking a new job at the District Office.  We will miss him very much.  At an assembly, the students said their farewells and got to meet the new custodian, Miss Green.  We are excited to have her join the Canyon Cougars.

Candy Bomber?

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

The sixth graders have been learning about WWII in Social Studies.  As a tribute to Gail Halversen, they told the story of the Candy Bomber to their reading buddies and then "candy bombed" them.  Thanks to Mr. Ross who actually dropped the parachutes.