Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

The PTA Carnival, held on Monday, September 19, was a huge success.  Students, parents, sibllings and teachers wandered the hall, auditorium and outside fields enjoying games, food and good company.  The weather was perfect.  Thank you PTA for providing the fun activity for us.

US Synthetics Visit Canyon

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

US Synthetics came and taught the 6th grade about PDCA which stands for plan, do, check, and adjust. PDCA helps you with daily problem solving. We did a project for PDCA and there were two rounds. The first round you built a tower using index cards and the goal was for the tower to be able to hold a package of index cards. The second round you had to follow the PDCA process and you had to figure out what would work or what wouldn’t work and whatever didn’t work then you wouldn’t try it again. Also, you would try and improve on your height you got for your tower.

By: Brynn

Map Walk Success

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

The fourth grade had a Utah Map Walk.  We learned about Utah's mountains, lakes, rivers, and deserts.  We liked the mountains the best.  The Wasatch Mountains go north and south, and the Uinta Mountains go east and west.  Also, did you know that the Great Salt Lake is so salty because there are no rivers running out of it?  We each made a map to show where everything is in Utah.  The third grade and a lot of parents came to see our maps.  There were a lot of different maps because the teachers said we could make our map out of anything we wanted to.&

Constitution Day

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

It was a crisp, cold morning, but that didn't stop Canyon Elementary from celebrating their annual Constitution Day Flag Raising.  The entire school gathered around the flagpole and watched as a colorguard of scouts raised the Flag and led the school in the Pledge of Alligance.  Each student then joined in singing "God Bless the USA".  What a great tradition!