Afterschool Holiday Registration Nov 16th 7:30am

Submitted by chelsi.crockett on
November 16th: Holiday Club Registration You can go to this site to see the clubs available and decide what you'd like to sign up for. Click on the link, then choose "details". This is going to be an amazing couple of weeks and I know I speak for all of my teachers as well when I tell you we are SO EXCITED for this mini session and all the fun and service your children will experience.

Local Farmer Visits Canyon First Grade

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

Canyon 1st graders were honored to meet with a real farmer this past week. Sara Harward, of Harward Farms, visited with our students and taught them a little about farms.  She read them a book called First Peas to the Table.  It was about a school class who planted a garden and had a contest to see who could bring the first peas "to the table" just like Thomas Jefferson. If you want to know more, check the book out.  Better yet, ask a first grader.

Everyone Loves a Fair

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

The State Fair is an exciting place to be, and today was no exception.  Parents, family, friends and other classes enjoyed a morning strolling around the States Fair sponsored by our fifth grade students.  Each student had a display and report about a different state.  In addition to that, each student was wearing a designer T-shirt representing the state they had learned about.  If you missed this opportunity, watch for it next year.

Halloween Celebrations

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

Halloween began bright and early with our traditional Halloween Parade.  Students and teachers marched through the crowded halls giving high-fives and waves to their families and friends gathered there.  The 2nd Grade classes then entertained everyone with favorite Halloween songs and dances.  If that weren't enough, each class then enjoyed a party, planned and carried out by our fabulous room parents.  What a great way to start the week.