Constitution Day

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Aren't these boys the cutest!!! Porter Johansen, Will Nelson, Ezra Morley, and Ryan Bernards helped our school celebrate Constitution Day! We are proud to be Americans!!!

Danika Nuttall

Cub Tracks Contest

Submitted by kalani.reed on

This fall, students were given the opportunity to submit a design for our new Cub Tracks. At Canyon Elementary, staff can give Cub Tracks to recognize students for excellent behavior and being Cougar Cub Strong. These Cub Tracks are then entered into a weekly drawing for prizes. This year a contest was held to come up with a new design. Lydia Dauphinee and Launa Nielsen are amazing artists and won! The new designs have been printed and are currently being used to reward students.

Patriot Day Writing

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Sixth grade students in Mrs. Weier's class were able to free write for Patriot Day. They did a great job of expressing their feelings about patriotism. Look through the pictures to see samples of their work.



Jasmine Weier

Moon Phases

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Thanks to the out-pouring of Oreos donated by parents, the entire 6th grade enjoyed their assessment of the moon phases. In fact, they did not even know they were being assessed. It was a fun activity and the donations were definitely appreciated. When we each do a little, a lot an be accomplished.

Angie Perkins