Sixth Grade Gift Exchange

Submitted by kalani.reed on

A few weeks ago the 6th grade decided to do a ¨Secret Santa¨ gift exchange. Each student drew a name out of a box (the box was made out of a book). Everyone was asked to bring a gift to the person they got, even if they didn’t know a lot about that person. The point of this gift exchange was so the 6th graders could better understand what giving means. They did not do this to get a gift but to give a gift. Ashlynn, in Mr. Sargeant’s class said, “I liked how everyone gave a gift.

Mrs. Perkins and Eden Erickson

Mrs. Perkins Christmas Play

Submitted by kalani.reed on

HO HO HO! Festivity is brewing in Mrs.Perkins 6th grade class. The class is putting on a holiday play called “What, NO Santa?” They have worked very hard on this play trying to make it perfect. December 18 was the date of their first play. They transformed their classroom so you find yourself in the middle of Santa's living room. The play consists of Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, seven elves, announcer, first and second voice and narrator. Each has an important part. It is truly impressive to see how much work they put into it.

Angie Perkins and Brooklyn Latimer


Submitted by kalani.reed on

Sixth grade is enjoying the weather and the new footballs donated from the NFL. It's a little Christmas gift the week before Christmas. 

Amy Christmas