Fun Run
We had an awesome Canyon Fun Run yesterday! Thank you to the PTA and all of the parent volunteers for making it a success. Go Cougar Cubs!
1492 E. 1240 S. Spanish Fork, UT 84660 | 801-798-4610 801-798-3493 (fax)
We had an awesome Canyon Fun Run yesterday! Thank you to the PTA and all of the parent volunteers for making it a success. Go Cougar Cubs!
- Kindness :
- Drug-free:
- Road Safety:
- Internet safety:
REMINDER Monday, September 21 all students will be dismissed at 12:00. There will be no afternoon Kindergarten. Lunch will be served from 10:30-11:30 am.
Picture Day will be on Thursday, September 24!
*Students who are REMOTE learning are invited to come from 12:15 - 1:30. These are students who would normally be attending Canyon Elementary. If you would not normally attend Canyon, you need to have your students photo taken at their regular boundary school.
*Sibling photos (students who are too young to attend school) are invited to come from 12:15 - 1:30 as well.
*All student pictures will be taken during regular school hours by class.