
Submitted by andria.lewis on

Congratulations to all of our reflections winners! Students submitted poems, paintings, pictures, dance performances and more!

Dave Harlan

Red Ribbon Week

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Canyon students and the PTA did a great job during Red Ribbon Week! From dress up days like: "Hocus Pocus keep your dreams in focus" (Pajama Day) to "Curly, twisted or straight – there’s no debate . . . using drugs will seal your fate!" (Crazy hair day).

Each of the students also signed a pledge stating they would not use drugs, which was turned into a chain in the hallway!

Way to be drug free, Canyon students!

Meet Miss Findlay!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Miss Findlay is a new 5th grade teacher this year at Canyon. Here are some things about her you probably didn't know!

Where I grew up: Salem, Ut

Family: Two sisters, one brother. 

Education: Graduated from Salem Hills High School. First graduating class! Went to BYU.

Something I like to do for fun: I love to be outdoors (hiking, camping, fishing). I also love to play music whenever I can (sing, piano, guitar).

Brenda Findlay

Leadership Conference

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Our student council got the opportunity to attend an all day leadership conference at BYU. They learned how to be a leader, how to help kids who are getting bullied, and they also did some fun team building activities. They had a lot of fun and are ready to serve Canyon Elementary!

Student Council 2013-2014

Submitted by andria.lewis on

After surviving an election campaign of writing an essay, making a poster, and delivering a speech to the student body, these 10 students got the most votes, and get the title of student council representative!    Front Row: Sami Branch, Irelynn Reid, Shaylee Taylor, Journey Palfreyman, Rachel Meservey, Axuray Talbot. Back Row:  Carter Flory, Joey Hill, Topher Riding, Brad Dixon.  Congratulations students!

Student Council Election

Submitted by andria.lewis on

On Friday, after a week of campaigning with posters, 20 of our sixth graders got the opportunity to give speeches to the upperclassmen at Canyon (4th, 5th and 6th graders).

They all did such a great job, and displayed impressive public speaking skills and creativity!

The upperclassmen then went to their classrooms and voted for their top 3 candidates.

Good job to all who ran for student council. Results to come!

Patriot Day

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Today, the the entire school participated in a flag-raising ceremony in honor of 9/11, now known as Patriot Day. The boy scouts at our school were able provide the colorguard for the ceremony, and they did a wonderful job. Together, students, teachers and staff  recited the pledge of allegiance, and then we all sang patriotic songs, while gathered around our country's flag.