Reflections Finalists

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Annually, thousands of students will reflect on a common theme and create original works of art in the categories of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts.

Many Canyon students chose to participate in our Reflections program this year, where the theme was "The World Would Be a Better Place If..."

Pictured are our very own Reflections finalists holding their certificates. Congratulations students!

Jill Clayson

Regions Presentations in Mrs. Patrick's class

Submitted by andria.lewis on

The 5th graders in Mrs. Patrick's class have been learning all about the regions of the United States.

The cooperative group presentations were the culminating portion following learning how to do research. Each group researched a region of the United States, prepared maps, visuals, a creative way of indicating their region's name, costumes, and active listening guides to be used during presentations for recording of facts by the students. The information learned through the presentations set the stage for all further Social Studies units throughout the year.  

Shauna Patrick

Can you feel the Magic?

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Because Nebo's theme this year is "Be the Magic", Canyon faculty and staff decided to dress up as characters from Disney movies for Halloween! What a great job they all did, and they had so much fun dressing up alongside the students!

2nd grade did an amazing job with their Halloween program! They performed it once for 1st and 3rd grades, and once for their parents! Great job students!!

All the students at Canyon had a great time dressing up, showing off their costumes in the costume parade, and participating in their class' parties.

5th and 2nd Grade Buddies

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Mr. Bates' 5th grade class and Mrs. Olson's 2nd grade class got together this week for a fun Halloween Party!

They read some good Halloween books, drew some pictures, and shared some treats! They are excited to do it more often!

Scott Bates

Walk more in 4 Winner!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

The Utah SNAP (Student Neighborhood Access Program) is a program that promotes students to find safe walking routes to school, and to either walk, bike or scooter to school 4 out of 5 days of the week!

Many of our Canyon students do this, but there were several that kept track of their "walk more in 4" days on a calendar, and turned it in to be entered to win a prize.

Student Council

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Congratulations to our 2014-15 Canyon Student Council Members. Their campaign included writing an essay about leadership, making a poster, and preparing and giving a 1-2 minute speech in front of the entire 4th, 5th and 6th grades.

These grades then voted for their top 3 candidates, and the decision was made!

It's Electrifying!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Last week our 5th graders got to visit the Springville Whitehead Electricity Power Plant. They took them through 3 stations. The first station showed them two big generators and the control room for the electricity. Then they took them to a hands on station, where the class got to generate their own electricity, hold a small plasma ball, and play with a big magnet. The last station was set up for electrical safety. At this station they fried a banana, pickle, and a hot dog. They explained the dangers of electricity, and how to avoid getting shocked. Mr.

Scott Bates

National Walk to School Day

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Do you walk to school? Lots of our Canyon students do every day, and even more walked today for the National Walk to School Day!

Leo the Lion from Real Salt Lake's professional soccer team came to help the kids get to school safely! The kids were surprised and excited to see him early this morning.

Dave Harlan

ye Royal Castles!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

6th graders are learning about castles in the middle ages and then they designed and built their own castles!  Mrs. Sommerfeldt's social studies classes have enjoyed building the castles and showing some of them off. All 6th graders will eventually build a castle this year as they rotate into Mrs. Sommerfeldt's class, so tell your student to start thinking of ideas now!

Canyon PTA Carnival!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Last night's PTA Carnival was a hit! There were so many families here doing things from rock climbing to face painting to goldfish winning!

We even had our own band with amazingly talented students as the musicians and singers! Great job kids!

Thanks to all the PTA who volunteered many hours, parents and teachers who volunteered, and parents and families who showed up!