Reaction Time

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

A couple days ago we had an assembly.  It was about a cool science museum.  A guy that worked there showed us cool science experiments!  Then after we had the assembly, we got to go together as a class and predict what was going to happen!  We got to make up our own experiments!  It was really fun, some even exploded!  The guy also taught us about how to be safe when we test new things together.  At the end he gave us a ticket for the museum.  I'm really looking forward to going there!


Constitution Day, September 17

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

Canyon Elementary Students celebrated Constitution Day, September 17, by attending a flag ceremony and singing patriotic songs.  A Color Guard of over 30 scouts from our school presented the Colors of the Flag.  The newly elected Student Council then taught us about what the red, white and blue colors represent.  We joined our voices together in the Pledge of Allegiance and ended with singing the National Anthem.  We are grateful to live in the United States of America.

Nicole Cook receives Crystal Apple

Submitted by andria.lewis on

This year's Crystal Apple award goes to 4th grade teacher Mrs. Cook! Mrs. Cook's students absolutely love  her and when you walk into her classroom, you can tell she was born to be a teacher! Her team also loves working with her. She goes above and beyond her job duties and helps others out when they need it, with a smile on her face.

We're lucky to have Mrs. Cook in 4th grade. Congratulations!

Jamie Hamblin-photo

Jumping for Ducks?

Submitted by andria.lewis on

The entire school has been participating in the Jump for Heart fundraiser, and did a great job! They earned little rubber ducks with each of their goals and Mr. Harlan agreed to dress up as a duck if they reached the school's goal of $1500.

Well, Canyon surpassed their goal and raised $1800! Mr. Harlan followed through with his promise and dressed as a duck and went around and read "Giggle Giggle Quack" to the classes. What a great sport and for a great cause!

Kasey Chowdhary

Eastern Arts Dance Assembly

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Canyon studetns enjoyed an assmebly put on by the Eastern Arts Dance Assembly. They performed dances from the Middle East, Central Asia, and Russia.

All of the students participated in a dance from Russia in their seat. Many students even got to go on stage and dance with the dancers and several 1st graders helped with some music!


Spotlight-Mrs. Nilson

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Have you met our "newest" 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Nilson? Mrs. Nilson has actually been teaching for 20 years, but this is her first year at Canyon!

In Mrs. Nilson's family, there are 4 girls and 3 boys. She loves doing crafts, playing piano, watching sports and reading. Her favorite book is The Boxcar Children. Mrs. Nilson's favorite season is winter.

Here are some things her students have said about her: "She does fun math!" "She's nice", " She's funny" "She's a good story reader at the carpet".

Student Council

Howdy Administrators!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Yesterday was Administrator's Day and Secretaries Day! Sheriff Harlan went western and even got a sweet ride right in front of the school! And the secretaries (Mrs. Chowdhary and Mrs. Hawkins) got a western office makeover and some fun gifts of course.

Stop in to say thank you to our hardworking principal and secretaries! They love our students and keep our school running smoothly!

Michelle Flory

5th Grade does Camp Floyd

Submitted by andria.lewis on

Mr. Bates' class enjoyed a day at Camp Floyd making candles, adobe bricks, performing military drills, walking through the Sage Coach Inn, looking through the museum, spending time in a one room school house that was built in 1898, and learning what it was like to live during the Civil War.

Also pictured are some students in traditional clothing that was worn during the Civil War.

Scott Bates (story and pictures)

Westward Movement!

Submitted by andria.lewis on

After practicing for weeks and weeks, the 4th graders did an amazing job with their program about explorers coming west and the history of Utah. They taught the audience the history through song, lively dance and spoken word.  Anyone watching could tell they had a lot of fun doing it! Our own Cougar Cub even made an appearance!

Great job 4th graders!