Let Your Imagination Fly

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

The theme for Reflections this year is "Let Your Imagination Fly".  Over 100 students submitted entries.  These entries were displayed for the entire studentbody in our annual Reflections Assembly on October 14. The winning entries were announced at the end of the assembly.  These entries will continue on to the Council Level.  Good luck to all Canyon entries!

Our Hats are off to Mr. Harlan

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

Canyon Elementary celebrated Boss' Day on Tuesday, October 20.    Mr. Harlan was presented with a "I'm the Boss" hat, and throughout the day students "tipped" their hats whenever they saw him.  Students also made individual cards telling Mr. Harlan why they appreciated him.  Canyon Elementary is so lucky to have Mr. Harlan as the Boss!

Fourth Grade Field Trip to Diamond Fork Canyon

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

Diamond Fork Canyon was a great field trip.  First we went on a hike.  We saw lots of cows (and a few cow pies), and got to go in a tepee.  We learned about elk and deer.  Next we learned about birds and many different things about feathers, like how the boys are colorful to attract female birds and the girls have brown feathers to blend in to protect their babies.  We identified birds in a book.  After lunch we went on a scavenger hunt for leaves.  We found a lot of different leaves.  Last we tested the w

By: Cayten Chinen, Jaxsyn Crockett, Landon Leatherwood, and Rebecca Morales

PTA "Walk to School Day" is a Huge Success

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

How do you get to school each day?  Well, on October 7, Canyon Elementary had an extraordinary amount of students walking.   It was the PTA Sponsored "Walk To School Day".  Before each student entered the school they were greeted by a Student Council Member and a PTA representative and were given a green ribbon and a granola bar.  Those who entered the school at the front doors were also welcomed by the famous Cougar Cub.  What a great reminder of how to be safe and healthy.  Thank you PTA.

Mrs. Call receives PEAK Award

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

The PEAK Award goes to.......Mrs. Staci Call.  PEAK stands for Positive Energy and Kindness.  Mrs. Call certainly has Positive Energy and is always Kind to everyone.  She was a fabulous PE Teacher and is now serving as our school Librarian.  She goes over and above what is expected in everything she does.  To learn more about this award, visit the Nebo School District Website.

2nd Graders Enjoy a Fun Farm Field Trip

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

October 6 was the day of the Farm  Field Trip for 2nd Graders.  Here are a few of their favorite things:  Miles said, "My favorite parts of Farm Field Day were the piglets and the 3D printers." Sophie had this to add, "I liked the seeds and the germ station."  Valerie commented, "My favorite part was learning about sheep."  Bradley said, "My favorite part was the Talking Tomato."  In addition Luke had this to say, "My favorite part of Farm Field Day was learning to wash our hands."  As you can tell, they had a great time and learned a lot!

PTA FUN-draiser Carnival

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

On Monday, September 21, Canyon Elementary students, parents and families enjoyed a Carnival sponsered by the PTA,  Bounce houses and slides, a climbing wall and teacher dodgeball were a few of  the outside activities.  Inside carnival goers were entertained by a fish pond, hoop shoot, face-painting and much more.  There was also a local Rock Band providing music and of course pizza and treats to eat.  Several lucky people went home with prizes from a silent auction.  Thank you to the awesome Canyon PTA for a fun night!

Discovery Gateway Children's Museum

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

I really lilked when the person from Discovery Gateway Children's Museum came to our school.  One of my favorite parts was when he made a foam guy by putting two ingredients into a Dixie cup.  It foamed out of the cup and made a head.  Then it dried in the head shape.  Another one of my favorite parts was when he made red, green, and orange fire.  He did this by burning different elements.  It was cool when he kept putting a cup on an experiement bottle and it kept shooting off.
