"Inside Out" Movie Night

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

Movie night at Canyon! Monday night means family night! All of the families were invited to watch a movie at the school, the movie was Inside out! All the student council members got to dress up as their favorite Inside Out character. there was a costume contest, popcorn, airheads, drinks, and of course, the movie, Inside Out. It was so much fun! There were so many cool costumes for the costume party! The winner of the costume contest got a candy bar, and a coupon. After we had the costume contest, we watched the movie. Everyone got popcorn and airheads.


"Eat School Lunch with your Student" Week

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

School lunch week is when the students parents come to eat lunch in the cafeteria. When the parent comes he/she has to pay for their lunch. School lunch week is good for the kids because they get to have the experience to go to the school and eat with their  kids. School lunch also allows the parents to not make their kids lunch. School lunch week always has a good amount of parents to come and eat with their child. School lunch week is also donating money for the school. So next time you see the lunch ladies tell them thank you for serving us food.


Science Fair Winners

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

January 21st was the date of the Annual Science Fair held at Canyon Elementary School.  There were many interesting Scientific Questions asked and then answered after experimentation and study. The winners will now be presenting their displays to the District.  The students representing Canyon in the individual category are; Kolten, Nick, Taeber and Erik.  A group of three boys will also be representing Canyon.  They are; Adam, Kimball and Stuart.  Good luck to each of these scientists.

"Make Your Mark" Bookmark Contest

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

Congratulations to Emily!  She is the winner of Director's Choice Award in the "Make Your Mark" Bookmark Contest sponsored by the Utah Educational Savings Plan (UESP) and Step Up Utah. The judges were impressed with her artwork and creativity.  We are all proud of Emily.  Thanks to Mrs. Humphrey's for managing this contest at Canyon Elementary.

Elks Shoot Off Winners

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

The Annual Elks Shoot Off was held recently at Canyon Elementary.  The winners were; Meline, Allie, Payton and Ethan.  These four advanced to the next level held in Provo.  Allie won the competition at that level!  She now moves up to the next round.  Way to go Allie!

Hearthstone Manor

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

   Miss Hamblin’s class went to the Hearthstone Manor. We sang songs for the elderly. We sang “Jingle Bells,” “We Wish you a Merry Christmas,” and “Rudolph.”  Mrs. Morley played her guitar. A few elderly people were singing along. Their voices were beautiful! We gave them some candy canes and a wreath that we each had made. We sang to two different groups. It was fun. Afterward we picked up trash on the way back to the school.

Lewis, Adney, Paige and Landon


Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

The mining presentation was really fun.  We talked about what miners do, mining safety, and how they get samples from the ground (core samples). Everybody got a cupcake and pretended to take core samples.  We got a straw and stuck it in the cupcake and took it out.  It had three layers.  Some people had more chocolate than others, that means they would have more to mine.  After that we ate the rest of the cupcake.  It was so good!

Rachel and Cora

The Utah Symphony

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

So first we were on the school bus. Our school came to the symphony, and so did the rest of the fourth grade in the Nebo School District. When we went in Salem Hills High School, and the place where the orchestra was playing was huge! The whole orchestra was tuning their instruments.  They started playing quietly and then they got louder and louder. The started playing a few songs that our class knew. The music was very peaceful, well most of it at least. Some of the music was loud and quick. The beautiful music probably made most of our class fall asleep.

James and Jason

A Clown at School?

Submitted by jeanette.maughan on

Canyon Elementary had a special visitor on Dec. 1.  It was a clown.  We didn't know April was a clown until the middle of the assembly that the PTA sponsored.  She taught us about the importance of good nutrition, hydration and plenty of sleep.  Several students were chosen to help with demonstrations on stage.  Rowen wrote, "I, Rowen, loved the experience to go on stage and meet Mrs. April.  I loved to learn how to juggle."
