Smokey the Bear

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Jenny from the Forest Service came and taught the first graders about Smokey the Bear and how he reminds us to stay safe in the forest. Only YOU can prevent forest fires! Make sure your fire is all the way out and keep your campsite clean!!

Sandy Nilson

Veteran's Day Assembly

Submitted by kalani.reed on

To celebrate Veteran's Day, local veterans visited Canyon Elementary. A video explained the meaning of our National Anthem. At the end of the video, the students joined together to sing the National Anthem. Taps was played as veterans finished with a flag ceremony. We are grateful for all veterans and the sacrifices they make for our country.

Author Assembly

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Local author, Rebecca Blevins, visited Canyon Elementary to help celebrate Literacy month. She spoke to the students about never giving up on their dreams. She told students how important it is to keep trying. We appreciate her words of encouragement!

5th Grade State Fair

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Fifth graders participated in a state fair. Each student reported on one state. Students made posters, brought in artifacts and even served food items to showcase their state! Great job fifth graders!

Orange Characters

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Miss Nuttall, Ms Nuzman, and Mrs Harreld have some amazing third grade students! Each student read a book and wrote a report about it. Then, they decorated a pumpkin to look like one of the characters! Way to go Third Grade!!


Submitted by kalani.reed on

Congratulations to our Reflections winners. They did a great job!  We had winners in Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Dance Choreography, Visual Art, and 3D Art. The winning entries will now be submitted at the district level. Thank you to our amazing PTA for sponsoring Reflections.

Buddy Bench

Submitted by kalani.reed on
A Buddy Bench is a simple idea to eliminate loneliness and foster friendships on the playground. 
Andria Lewis