
Submitted by kalani.reed on

This is what happens at SEP conference night while parents are waiting to meet with teachers!

Angelyn Perkins

Get to Know Miss Hutchings

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Tammy Hutchings was born on December 6. She graduated from Utah State. This is Tammy's 18th year of teaching. Her favorite school subject is language arts. Tammy's favorite author is Andrew Clements and her favorite sport is softball. Tammy's favorite team is the baseball team Cleveland Indians. In her free time, she likes to read, watch movies, and travel. Her best vacation was when she spent 4 weeks in the UK. She also loves teaching at Canyon!!

Food Drive

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Canyon Student Council sponsored a food drive this week. All food brought in will be donated to Tabitha's Way. Classes earned entries into a raffle by bringing in cans of food. The winning class will get a party. We appreciate the generosity of our students and families.

Building Boats

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Mrs. Harreld’s class used their creativity and engineering skills to build boats. They needed to float their boat in water. Weights were also added on the boat to see if it would still float. They could go back and rework their boat as needed. They even named their boat.

Mrs. Suzette Harreld

Grandparents are the Best

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Grandparents are the best!!! Amelia Wessman, a 3rd grader in Miss Nuttalls's class, gets to share her grandpa with our class every Monday. Grandpa, as he wants to be called, visits our class every Monday with a new book and lesson. We love listening to his expression and life lessons. We also love that he takes the time to explain things going on in the book and when he lets us use our reading skills as he asks us to share our thoughts and predictions.

Danika Nuttall

Fourth Grade Mountain Men Rendezvous

Submitted by kalani.reed on
All of the 4th-grade students earned and saved Beaver Pelts for the month of November.  Before Thanksgiving, they had the opportunity to sell and trade items they had created or purchased such as scrunchies, soda, candy, and homemade ornaments.  It was so much fun to see their creativity shine through the crafts and items they brought to sell. 
Amber Thomas

Space Lab

Submitted by kalani.reed on

Mrs. Perkins took the sixth-grade students into the computer lab for a space mission. The goal of the mission is to set up accurate defense systems around the planets and some moons in our solar system.  The students then test the systems through a holographic simulation. Canyon Elementary is fortunate to have an InfiniD Learning Lab at our school which allows students to apply what they learn in class through game-like simulations. 



Angelyn Perkins