Literacy Month- Reading tickets

Submitted by brittany.neilson on

It's our final week of Literacy Month here at Canyon. Reading tickets have been sent home (yellow or green depending on grade level). Every time they complete the corresponding number of minutes read they can add their ticket to the boxes in front of the office for a daily prize drawing. Any type of reading counts: Reading on their own, being read to, listening to an audiobook, etc. On Friday there will be a school-wide read-a-thon.

Happy reading!

Battle of the Books

Submitted by brittany.neilson on

Congratulations to all our 4th and 5th-grade students that participated in Battle of the Books. Click on the photo to see more.  #togetherwerise #studentsuccess #neboschooldistrict #canyonelementary

Art Gallery shows many talents

Submitted by julie.peery on

We love all the artwork on the walls throughout the year but last week was especially exciting with our annual Art Gallery. Students in each grade showed off some of their best art and all students created similar positive and negative design projects in art class with Mrs. Humphreys. The hallways came alive with all the creativity! Here are just a few highlights.