Tulip Project

Submitted by calleen.argyle on

Presenters from Thanksgiving Point came to Canyon Elementary to involve the fourth-grade students in the Tulip Project.  There were two parts of this project.  The first part was learning about how tulips grow.  The students drew and dissected a tulip bulb as they discussed how weather and climate affected the growth of tulips and all plants.  For the second part, the students got to go out on our playground and plant approximately 100 tulip bulbs.  They had a great time, and are so excited to see if their tulips grow this spring!

Jamie Hamblin and Calleen Argyle

Second Grade Scientists

Submitted by calleen.argyle on

  Students in Mrs. Jenna Reid's second grade class learned what it's like to be a scientist.  They worked in groups to decide if the eggs they were given were raw or boiled.  They did experiments and made hypotheses.  Then they wrote the results of their experiments.  Each group got to share their hypotheses and then got to test them out by cracking their eggs outside to see if they were boiled or raw.


Pictured L-R:  Ian Abplanalp, Eliza Pope and Lucy Maurin


Calleen Argyle

Mr. Harlan's Surprise Birthday

Submitted by calleen.argyle on

     August 28, 2012, six hundred students and staff from Canyon Elementary sneaked into the gym during the morning announcements to surprise Mr. Harlan.  When he walked in, everyone clapped and sang Happy Birthday.  Mr. Harlan turned 50 on August 29th.  A Happy Birthday banner was made for him showing pictures of him when he was in grade school.  A group of students gave him a bouquet of black balloons and flowers and students and faculty wore black in honor of this momentous occasion.

Calleen Argyle

Canyon Gold Medal School

Submitted by calleen.argyle on

   Canyon Elementary is new to the Gold Medal Schools program this year and they have really taken it to heart.  All year students and staff have been walking toward a goal of 20,000 miles.  If you visited the school during a recess, you may have seen the third through sixth graders preparing for their Hershey Track Meet or kids jumping rope.

Calleen Argyle

Ken Garff College Savings Certificate Winners

Submitted by calleen.argyle on

May 23, 2012, Mr. Harlan drew out two names of students to win $50 college savings certificates each.  The college savings certificates were donated by the Ken Garff Road to Success reading program.  During the year, students earned entry slips for the drawings by reaching their class monthly reading goals.  The winners of the $50 college savings certificates were Brynn Anderson  and Sydnee Slaymaker.

Pictured L-R:  Brynn Anderson and Sydnee Slaymaker

Calleen Argyle

Third Grade Spelling Bee Winners

Submitted by calleen.argyle on

   Spanish Fork Rotary Club donates dictionaries to third grade students every year in the fall.  In the spring, the students have a Spelling Bee.  Rotary Club representative, Mr. Todd Harrison, was present at the Spelling Bee.  First place winner was Damon Jones, second place winner was Cade Campbell and third place winner was Bruce Huntsman.


Pictured L-R:  Damon Jones, Cade Campbell and Bruce Huntsman

Calleen Argyle and Rachel Savage

Mr. Hathaway Receives Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by calleen.argyle on

  We would like to recognize Larry Hathaway and congratulate him on receiving the Classified Crystal Apple Award.  He is truly deserving of this award for his many years of service at Park Elementary and here at Canyon.  He is a very hard working individual.  We receive compliments often about how nice our school looks and smells.  We can thank Mr.

Calleen Argyle

Canyon Terrific Kids

Submitted by calleen.argyle on

   Every year the Spanish Fork Kiwanis Club recognizes outstanding 6th grade students from the area elementary schools in their Terrific Kids Program.  Criterion for a Terrific Kid is one who is:  THOUGHTFUL, ENTHUSIASTIC, RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, INCLUSIVE, FRIENDLY, INQUISITIVE AND CAPABLE; hence, TERRIFIC. 

   The following students from Canyon Elementary Sixth-grade received the Terrific Kids award for 2012: 

Calleen Argyle

Mr. Hathaway Retires

Submitted by calleen.argyle on

  Mr. Larry Hathaway, custodian at Canyon Elementary, is retiring after 32 years of service.  The message he wants to leave with everyone is, "Enjoy life.  I have had a wonderful job working as a custodian for Park School and Canyon School over the years.  I have worked with the best of all:  my teachers, office staff, and principals.  I am going to follow my dreams now.  Thank you for letting me work for Nebo and the kids that we serve."

   Congratulations, Mr. Hathaway, on your retirement!

Calleen Argyle